Changing your display name in Guild Wars 2 is easy. This feature was not always available to players and required you to contact Guild Wars 2’s support team. In this article I’ll share the 3 steps required to change your display name in Guild Wars 2.

1. Login to your ArenaNet account
First, you need to log in to your ArenaNet account. An ArenaNet account is created when you sign up for Guild Wars 2. It also shares its login details with Guild Wars 2. Therefore, it uses the same username and password.

2. Navigate to the Settings Tab
When you have successfully logged in, you land on a Overview page. This page contains all the ArenaNet products you purchased. At the top of your screen you see a menu, click on the ‘Settings‘ tab to navigate to the Account Settings page.

3. Change your Display Name
Once you are on the Settings Page you are able to edit a number of (personal) details. Here you are also able to change your display name. This is the name shown to other players in Guild Wars 2.
By clicking on the ‘Edit‘ link you are able to change your display name. One thing to keep in mind, you are not able to change the number at the end of your display name. These numbers are randomly generated and cannot be changed.

Your done! But keep this in mind…
Your done! You have successfully changed your display name. Other players will now see you new name in Guild Wars 2. However, there are a number of things to keep in mind:
- You can only change your display name once every 90 days.
- There might be a brief period where some social features (chat, friend list etc.) might not properly work. This will fix itself.
- Applications that use the GW2 API will update your new name with their next API call.
- Your display name won’t change for players that added you as a friend or blocked you.
That’s it! If you have any questions, drop them in the comments!