In Hogwarts Legacy, your wizard has a wide array of spells to use. Some spells deal an incredible amount of damage whilst others can slow or immobilize your enemy. Combine these two types of spells to create amazing combos and defeat your foes in a fast and effective way.

Levitate and disable
The first of many spell combos in Hogwarts Legacy is focused on disabling your enemy. Use this powerful set of disabling spells to keep your enemies airborne while they receive a significant amount of damage. This combination works best on humanoid or smaller enemies since bosses and bigger enemies can’t be levitated.

Although the basics of this spell combo are taught early in the game, it is more advanced with Depulso added and requires you to cast the spells in a specific order.
Here is the spell combination:
- Cast Levioso
- 3x Basic Cast (left mouse button)
- Accio
- Incendio
- 3x Basic Cast (left mouse button)
- Depulso
The combo above becomes stronger if you use talent points to upgrade spells like Levioso, Accio, and Incendio, as this adds an additional Area of Effect (AoE) to the spells, allowing you to damage nearby enemies as well.
Freeze and Burn!
The next spell combo involves just two spells, Glacius and Confringo, and is easy to execute. These spells are taught later in Hogwarts Legacy and are not immediately available.

One of the benefits of this combo is that it works on almost all enemies in the game, this includes humanoids and larger foes. Use Glacius to freeze and disable the enemy and then use Confringo to inflict significant damage.
The spell combination goes as follows:
- Glacius
- Confringo
This is a very powerful combo that can be used on almost all enemies in Hogwarts Legacy.
Freeze and Slash!
By combining Confringo and Diffindo, you can slash your enemies and inflict a significant amount of damage, even to larger foes. In some cases, it can result in an instant kill.

To use this spell combination, follow these steps:
- Glacius
- Diffindo
This spell combinations is straightforward and easy to execute.
Transformed Pain
The next spell combo is similar to the previous one, consisting of an easy-to-execute one-two combination that can result in an instant kill. However, this combo is not always effective against all enemies, unlike the “Freeze and Burn!” combo mentioned before. This particular combo does not work on bosses and larger foes since they cannot be transformed.

The Transformation spell, which is used in this spell combo, is not available to players at the beginning of the game and is taught later on.
The spell combination is as simple as the last one:
- Transformation
- Depulso
This combo transforms the enemy into an object that can be pushed away, instantly killing most humanoid enemies.
Pull and Slash
The following spell combination allows you to pull multiple enemies towards you and inflict damage by using Diffindo’s Slash. While it can be used on a single enemy, it’s most effective when dealing with numerous opponents. To perform this combo, you’ll need to have Accio Mastery to pull multiple enemies and Diffindo Mastery to slash multiple enemies.

Use the spell combination as follows:
- Accio (Mastery)
- Diffindo (Mastery)
It’s worth noting that this spell combination can be difficult to execute since it requires enemies to be in close to one another when using Accio.
Total Annihilation
The following spell combo has gained popularity on numerous YouTube videos for its sheer power. However, executing it requires skillful targeting and patience to hit all enemies in the area. This combo consists of two Unforgivable Curses; Crucio and Avada Kedavra. These spells can only be learned later in the game. Moreover, to perform this combo, players must also unlock Crucio Mastery and Avada Kedavra Mastery.
With Crucio Mastery, players can curse an enemy, and when they strike that enemy, the curse spreads to nearby foes. It is crucial to curse all nearby enemies before using Avada Kedavra Mastery, which instantly kills all cursed enemies.
The deadliest spell combo in the game is as follows:
- Crucio (Mastery)
- Basic cast until all enemies are cursed
- Avada Kedavra (Mastery)
It is worth noting that this combo takes time to execute since all enemies must be cursed to achieve its full potential. While cursing enemies, it is important to dodge incoming attacks.
More spell combinations will be added shortly…